Citizen Strength

Residents protest proposed multi-story boarding house adjoining heritage listed residence in quiet Lane Cove West



  • is owned by one man.
  • The site contents are his and his alone.
  • was first created back in 2008 to successfully challenge the rezoning of part of West Lane Cove, to allow 5 storey flats.
  • has been re-activated to challenge a Development Application for a very large boarding house, right up against the West Lane Cove low density residential area (kid central), including against a heritage listed cottage.
  • invites supporting or counter arguments to this site that are made in a civil manner, through the owners advertised lines of communication.

John M Colyer
The Oaks
1 Wood Street
West Lane Cove
Tel 0414 427 708

John Colyer aged 76 (active adolescent by nature).
Director/ Shareholder of the Abberfield Group of Companies.
Owner or by proxy of 4 properties in Lane Cove Municipality.


47A PENROSE STREET (Corner of Johnson Street)


A Development Application has been submitted to Lane Cove Council and over seventy objections were received.

There will be a public meeting at 48 Longueville Road Lane Cove (Lane Cove Council Chambers), on 21st April 2021, at 5pm.


UPDATE 21-4-21

Objection upheld by Lane Cove Council

Thank you Neighbours
Thank you Council


This internet site will remain active and be expanded when needed.

The aim now it to develop strategies and community support to block any Boarding House Development Application attempt by any party, now or in the future.

in name

in action


Objection to DA1/2021
47A Penrose Street Lane Cove West NSW 2066
Lane Cove Council
John and Ann Colyer
1 Wood Street Lane Cove NSW 2066

John and Ann Colyer object to the proposed development at 47A Penrose Street, for reasons as outlined in this Submission Summary, plus the Body of Evidence.

Additional to the Summary, the Body of Evidence covers matters backgrounding or otherwise having bearing on decisions regarding 47A Penrose Street.

Submission Summary

  1. The development application contains errors or omissions of fact, rendering it an un- reliable document.

  2. One error is in section 5.10 of the Statement of Environmental effects “The subject site is not a listed heritage item, is not located with a heritage conservation area and is not located in the vicinity of any heritage item”.

    The adjoining property, The Oaks is locally heritage listed, on Council’s records as “one of the early cottages in the area”.

    Under the guidance of a heritage architect the Oaks is undergoing extensive renovation, partly the subject of an approved Development Application.

    By nature of its use and its size, the boarding house is incompatible with the Oaks, a classic “relatively intact” building from another era.

  3. The Traffic and Parking Assessment has similar omissions, errors or out of context data. The proposed development includes a substantial commercial use, with only one car parking space. The present commercial property has twenty-one car spaces (the Traffic and Parking Assessment only notes sixteen).

    Per area of commercial use, the proposed development represents an extra ordinary reduction in the available car spaces.

    Existing boarding house evidence shows one car space for two rooms is inadequate (contrary to the Assessment- refer Body of Evidence for some facts).

    Local street parking is at capacity and cannot support this boarding house development.

  4. The traffic plan quotes statistics for the surrounding streets, (without reference to when the study was taken), but has no traffic study for Johnston Lane, used as the entrance for the proposed development.

    Over the length of the property the laneway is one car wide (not mentioned in the Assessment). Johnston Lane already has traffic congestion.

  5. The building shadow submission is in error as the existing two-story building casts an equivalent show.

  6. The third floor of the proposed development overlooks part of the courtyard of the Oaks and looks directly into a bedroom, as well as into no. 3 and no. 5 Wood Street.

  7. The Statement of Environmental Effects does not mention the noise of forty-four air conditioners radiating from above, directly into the residence of no. 1, no. 3, and no. 5 Wood Street. Noise pollution is unacceptable.

  8. Garbage collection is shown as contained in an internal area, but there is no mention of how it is presented for collection. The experience of the adjoining boarding house is un- acceptable (see Body of Evidence).

  9. The imposing size and the intended use of the building, will substantially reduce property values of Wood Street and Penrose Street properties, almost all of which have been extensively enhanced or rebuilt.

  10. We question the demographic study, as previous census showed West Lane Cove had the highest per capita ratio of children to adults in Australia. Protection of children from adverse experiences is every parents’ objective.

  11. Lane Cove West already supports one boarding house and therefore has met any perceived or real obligation to accommodate low-cost housing.

  12. Lane Cove West (west of Burns Bay Road) is a small enclave of low-density residential houses, yet it also includes a school, substantial playing fields, Scout and Guide huts, together with Government assisted living village, plus one woman’s refuge, together with two sets of tennis courts. The contribution of local residence supporting the wider community is therefore well satisfied and adding another boarding house is unacceptable.

  13. The present building tenants include yoga, dance and music classes, all community- based activities. With the boarding house these will be lost to Lane Cove West residents and the wider community, as they cannot be supported in the proposed commercial premises, with one car parking space.

  14. Low-cost commercial space for community or business purposes (similar to 47A Penrose Street as it is at present) are becoming scarce, causing business retail to “invade” industrial areas, which were not intended or are not suitable for retail activities.

    In our direct experience some Councils are addressing the need to provide local employment, particularly for lower cost activities. 47A Penrose Street as is, (but renovated), supports that objective.

  15. A boarding house does not generate employment, but the loss of effective commercial operation does reduce employment. The development proposal is employment negative.

  16. Because of prior discussions with an agent of years ago, it ought to be known by the present or past owners that we are aware of parties interested in purchasing 47A Penrose Street, for the purposes of renovating and retaining the current use status.

The Body of Evidence qualifies and quantifies this summary, endeavouring to address factual matters to the extent time, opportunity and funding allows.

John and Ann Colyer commend this Submission and Body of Evidence for forensic examination and remain available to discuss matters as appropriate.

Signed: John M Colyer

Objection to Proposed Development
47A Penrose Street, Lane Cove West


Photograph as part of the developer’s DA 1/2021 submission:

objection 1

Image from Google Maps of current building 1 Wood St and 47A Penrose Street:

objection 2

Artist’s impression depicting the size of the proposed development - based on Google Maps 1 Wood St and 47A Penrose Street:

objection 3

Same photograph with an extra level added by Photoshop to the existing building



The new building will be more than TWICE that size (much longer, wider and higher)



Application claims the shadow cast by the proposed building (much taller than the existing building) does not touch the dwelling of 1 Wood Street in Winter.

objection 4

objection 5

Shadow cast by existing building 47A Penrose Street in summer at 8am Jan 2021

objection 6


objection 7

As shown in Development Application

The EXISTING two story building has a height equal to all surrounding buildings. The artist’s impression looks much lower than the garage, yet is three stories not two. When does artistic license or opportunistic camera angles become dishonest representation?


objection 8

These proposed boarding house rooms are apartments. ? sq meters fit space

They are studio apartments not boarding house rooms.

Note: the Shore Apartments 97 / 450 Pacific Highway Lane Cove North is similar in size and they are strataed home units, or studio apartments.

IF the proposed boarding house rooms are apartments they are not boarding houses and the zoning does not allow apartments.

Adding a common room should not make them a boarding house (Shore Apartments have a common room, and a laundry and a gym room).

How studio apartments can be called boarding house for DA purpose is not understood and seems not to be explained (by the developer of by council).


objection 9

Artist’s impression as part of the developers DA 1/2021 submission

This shows four cars parked in Penrose Street.

Two cars in front of the 47A Boarding house are in a no stopping zone.

Across the road two cars are in a no parking zone.


Photo as part of the developer’s DA 1/2021:

objection 10

Ongoing renovations to 1 Wood Street:

1 Wood Street, Lane Cove West local heritage listed property has been, is being restored to its former glory (details added)

objection 11


objection 12

Sign outside the boarding house next door to the proposed boarding house 37A Johnson Lane. If 1 Johnson Lane can’t find enough tenants – why do we need 44 more boarding house “apartments”? (1 Johnson Lane and 47zA Penrose Street apartments would be effectively the same).


 objection 13

objection 14

objection 15


objection 16

Back in 2008 when rezoning Wood Street, Lane Cove West was being considered wide public support protected the community. But someone was unhappy and recollection of the event was an attack on our property including slashing of our car tyres.


To anyone who disagrees with my position just tell me. You know where I live, you have my telephone number and email address.

Acts of vandalism only demean the perpetrators, the very lowering of ethical standards that I oppose.


Photo (by John Appleyard) from the article ‘High anxiety over high-density plan’ (by Katrina Adamski) in the North Shore Times Wed March 12 2008)

Banner hung on the fence of 1 Wood Street, Lane Cove

objection 17